Thursday, December 6, 2007

No gringos here!

A thirty-two year old Boston firefighter had gone to Chivas Restaurant in Day Square to get takeout when six Hispanic men started exchanging words with him. He indicated he was just there to get a sandwich and that he was a firefighter. He was told they "don't want any gringo here." They then pushed him.
Hoping to avoid an altercation, he got into his car and headed to his station but they followed him on foot.
As soon as he got out of his car, the Hispanics jumped him and started kicking and punching him. They then stabbed him in the chest.
He summoned the help of fellow firemen by ringing the station doorbell and his attackers fled.
Astonishingly enough, the police are not classifying the incident as racially fueled, although the Boston Police Department's Community Disorders Unit is investigating.


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White woman attacked on Baltimore bus by nine black students

Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, December 4, but a black middle school student told her she couldn’t. She then attempted to sit in a different seat, but another student told her she couldn’t sit there either. She went and sat somewhere else. Immediately she was attacked by nine students—three females and six males—from Robert Poole Middle School.
They punched and kicked her with savage abandon, causing her to sustain serious injuries including two broken bones in her left eye socket, damaged eye muscles, and deep lacerations on the top of her head and above her neck. Two seats and the bus’s rear glass were destroyed during the brutal attack.
Sarah was transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center.
The nine savages, ages 14-15, were arrested and charged with aggravated assault.
To further punish the miscreant youths, their school –provided bus tickets have been revoked.
Jawauna Greene, an MTA police spokeswoman said, “Riding the bus is a privilege. Public safety is our primary concern.”
Yes, that will teach them a lesson.


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