Sunday, August 31, 2008

Coming Soon to a Neighbourhood Near You . . .

Eleven decapitated bodies have been found outside the city of Merida on the Yucatan peninsula. Another decapitated body was found fifty miles to the east of Merida, in a town called Buctzotz. All the bodies showed signs of torture and were tattooed with star signs and the letter 'Z', suggesting that they had fallen victim to the country's growing drug war, which has left more than 2,700 dead so far this year.

Merida is a popular stopping point for tourists on their way to visit the Mayan pyramids at Chichen Itza. On the other side of the Yucatan peninsula is Cancun, a Las Vegas-style holiday destination popular with US tourists; an hour or so farther south of Cancun is the resort town of Playa del Carmen, where many US hotel chains have built five-star properties.

In an incident two years ago, several severed heads were rolled across the floor of a nightclub in the southern state of Michoacan. Earlier this week, four decapitated bodies were found in Tijuana, across the border from San Diego.

The aim, according to government officials, is to create 'an atmosphere of terror'.
Jose Guzman, a Yucatan state prosecutor, said that the heads from the bodies found in Merida were still missing. “We believe that the executions were an isolated incident and not part of a strategy to destabilise the state,” he added.

Critics say this is wishful thinking. The resurgence of drug overlords in Mexico—along with endemic corruption in the police force and military, has led to a near-nationwide collapse in security. In May, the country's chief of police was murdered and, according to a recent study, Mexico now has more kidnappings than Iraq and Columbia.

Public outrage over Mexico's soaring crime levels reached a new intensity two weeks ago after the killing of a boy aged fourteen after his businessman father paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in ransom money.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Viva Lega Nord!

Lega Nord (Northern League), whose complete name is Lega Nord per l'Indipendenza della Padania (Northern League for Independence of Padania), is an Italian political party founded in 1991. Its leader is Umberto Bossi.

The party advocates the transformation of Italy into a federal State, fiscal federalism and greater regional autonomy, especially for the Northern regions, which they call Padania and at times it has advocated secession. In Veneto it supports Venetism, in Lombardy the defense of Lombard culture and language, in Piedmont the defense of Piedmontese culture and language, and so on.

The political culture of Lega Nord is a mix of pride in the heritage of Northern Italy, distrust of some Southern Italian habits and Roman authorities in particular, some support for free market economics, independentism, distrust of Italy and especially its flag, and claims of a Celtic heritage.

The party has a tough stance on crime, illegal immigration—especially from Muslim countries, and terrorism.

They have apparently upset the dear people over at Islamophobia Watch, who have reported on Lega Nord’s plan to block new mosques. The bill would also require that a local referendum be held, that there be no minaret or loudspeakers calling the faithful to prayer, and sermons must be in Italian, not Arabic.

I find it very interesting that Muslims constantly invade other countries and impose their religion and standards on others. Imagine going to Saudi Arabia, or any other Muslim country and demanding the right to build Christian churches. Nonmuslims may not even enter Medina or Mecca. I have no problem with that since every country should have the right to have its own laws and customs. I only expect the same courtesy to be extended to all countries. Let Germany be for the Germans, France for the French, Japan for the Japanese, and so forth.

As a general rule, Muslims are some of the most intolerant people alive and only play at their so-called religion of peace when they are of insufficient numbers to enforce their own beliefs and practises on others. One only has to study history to see the goal of Islam.

I highly recommend Arthur Kemp's Jihad: Islam’s 1,300 Year War on Western Civilisation. This book puts the current crisis into historical perspective, showing that instead of being a "religion of peace," violent Islam has, in fact, been waging war on all its self-appointed opponents since its inception. This book dares to say what must be done if Europe is to avoid succumbing to the new invasion. The choice is hard, but is one which will determine whether Western Civilisation lives or dies.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fear Grips Illegal Invaders after Raid at Mississippi Plant

Nearly six hundred illegal invaders were detained in Laurel, Mississippi, creating panic among dozens of families in this small southern town.

The superintendent of the county school district said about half of approximately 160 Hispanic students were absent Tuesday.

Roberto Velez, pastor at Iglesia Cristiana Peniel, where an estimated 30 to 40 percent of the two hundred parishioners were caught up in the raid, said parents were afraid immigration officials would take them. "They didn't send their kids to school today," he said. "How scared is that?"

One worker caught in Monday's sweep at the plant said fellow workers applauded as the illegal invaders were taken into custody. Federal officials said a tip from a union member prompted them to start investigating several years ago.

Fabiola Pena, 21, cradled her 2-year-old daughter as she described a chaotic scene at the plant as the raid began, followed by clapping. "I was crying the whole time. I didn't know what to do," Pena said. "We didn't know what was happening because everyone started running. Some people thought it was a bomb but then we figured out it was immigration."

About 100 of the 595 detained workers were released for so-called humanitarian reasons, many of them mothers who were fitted with electronic monitoring bracelets and allowed to go home to their children, officials said.

About 475 other workers were transferred to an ICE facility in Jena, La. Nine who were under eighteen were transferred to the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. (Let's hope that means resettling them in their home countries.)

Eight of the invaders appeared in federal court in Hattiesburg on Tuesday because they face criminal charges for using false Social Security and residency identification.

Those detained were from Brazil, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, and Peru, said Barbara Gonzalez, an ICE spokeswoman.

"We have kids without dads and pregnant mothers who got their husbands taken away," said Velez's son, Robert, youth pastor at the church. "It was like a horror story. They got handled like they were criminals."

And that is exactly what they are—criminals. I can only ask why it took the federal government so long to intervene and arrest them. Not enough has been done and the mothers and children should be sent back to their home countries as well. It's time the first world countries took action and refused to be invaded by the third world's offscouring.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tribal Warfare Erupts in Birmingham

Armed police are patrolling the streets of Birmingham due to fears of an explosion in black gang-related knife and gun attacks during the bank holiday. West Midlands police called together the owners of twenty-six of Birmingham’s biggest clubs earlier this week and asked them to observe a 4:00 a.m. curfew over the bank holiday weekend.

Fearing violent reprisals after the recent spate of gang-related shootings and stabbings across the city, police warned club bosses that they did not feel capable of controlling the streets if nightspots stayed open for their regular hours.

In the latest incident, Dimitri Foskin was fatally shot in the chest outside a house in the Newtown area, which has been blighted by a wave of gun crime in the past year.
Foskin is the third person to have been fatally shot in Newtown in less than a year. On March 18, Nehemiah Bryce, 27, was shot dead in Rodway Close, just a few hundred yards from Hockley Close.

On December 23 last year, Assar Joseph Mohammed Tomlinson was killed during a row outside a pub in Hospital Street. In another incident, on April 1, a teenager and another man were injured when they were shot inside a shop in Great Hampton Row.

Last weekend’s violence follows two drive-by shootings in Ladywood and Handsworth earlier this month, which have been linked to rising tensions between the Johnson Crew and the Burger Bar Boys.

The Burger Bar Boys and the Johnson Crew both grew out of earlier gangs, the Handsworth Nigga Squad and the Inch High Crew, and bizarrely took their names from two cafes in Handsworth where black youths congregated in the late 80s and early 90s. Legend has it that both gangs were friends and that they fell out over a bet on who won a game of "Streetfighter" on the Playstation. By the late 90s, these computer games had moved off the screen and out on to the streets.

The site of Thursday’s shooting is locally known as “Checkpoint Charlie”—if you cross it at the wrong time you may end up dead. On one side of Birchfield Road is Johnson Crew territory, which encompasses Aston, Nechells and surrounding areas.

Their adversaries are the notorious Burger Bar Boys, whose domains include Handsworth, Lozells (the scene of the 1985 riots between blacks and Asians), and Perry Barr.

Delroy Corinaldo, 28, from Lozells, a former Burger Bar Boy, who goes by the streetname Topper, explained it this way, “The Johnson Crew were our rivals from day one and that rivalry has just escalated and escalated. As crack cocaine came on the scene the firearms became more and more openly available so the levels of violence increased. Both gangs rule with the threat of extreme violence and people who talk to the police are dealt with severely. If a man gets shot in a packed dancehall then 99 percent of the people will tell the police they were in the toilet at the time.”

Gang members are very close-knit, often having lived on the same street for years and attended the same school. Over the years, as many members were expelled from school because of their increasingly criminal behaviour, they progressed into fully-fledged gangsters with a growing interest and influence in the city’s burgeoning drug market. The gangs shoot for what are sometimes referred to as the three Rs: revenge, revenue, and respect.

In 1997 several high ranking members of the Johnson Crew were jailed at Leicester Crown Court after a black DJ, Jason Wharton, was shot to death in his car in Handsworth. Witnesses gave evidence behind bullet-proof screens and in disguise leading to several gangsters being jailed for terms ranging from life to five years.
But they continued their reign of terror from inside their cells and the gang actually gained momentum during this period as it became more organised as a result of the high profile convictions.

Johnson is the more organised, having made loose affiliations with local Asian heroin gangs in Aston as well as with the Jamaican-born Yardie gangsters who have become increasingly marginalised as the two Birmingham gangs--collectively known as the Homeboys—have taken over the city.

The Burger Bar Boys main money-earner is crack cocaine and many of its members are users. Attacks often take place while members are high on drugs.

Both gangs have links with black gangs in London and Manchester, often exchanging arms and drugs. Birmingham is also home to several smaller crews with names like Champagne Crew, Rally Close Crew or the Badder Bar Boys—a younger version of the Burger Bar Boys who pride themselves on being more violent than their mentors.

Over the last three years gun crime in Birmingham—and particularly Handsworth and Aston—has risen dramatically as the feuding gangs fight for territory. The escalation led to one senior West Midlands detective comparing the city to the "Wild Wild West" as firearms incidents rose to at least one a week.

Friday, January 18, 2008